MIPA Camp 2013

Kalyn Hunt

July 28, 2013

First Day of MIPA Camp

       Boy Oh boy….. My first day at camp was not my cup of tea. I had to drive here, while my parents were snoozing. Carrying luggage when I arrived! Oh Gosh! I was upset about it. Then, when I got closer to campus, I got lost. I was really frustrated when I got here. We finally found the Hall and registration. They gave me the key to my dorm and it felt like a heat wave as I open the dorm. That didn’t make my day any better.

However, as the day went by, we had a session/ meeting next door to my dorm, that I was late for, but it was interesting. The staff was going over rules and regulations. I love how they’re so protective over all the students.

We also had a presentation about the design diva. The slideshows were hard to judge because they both caught my eye. However, watching the presentation I’ve learned that if switching basic layouts (black and white print) then use unique fonts. Also, when the design talks about increasing things, you should over exaggerate to grab the reader’s attention. They’ll most definitely keep reading it.

Most journalists are scared of white space, but sometimes space is good. It can be good for the subject it’s talking about; also it may need white space. Pictures are one of  the main things about a design. You can almost tell what the story is about by just looking at the picture. Having expressions and real topics will even help you with a design.

  Having trouble with choosing pictures, just ask a helping hand. If you’re struggling with topics, try to wonder off about something else and eventually a good idea will appear. Thinking too hard will cause your brain not to solve the problem.

  Unfortunately, the design diva presentation started to bore me. Don’t get me wrong, the information and content was useful, but I don’t think it should’ve been an hour and 15 minutes long. Basically, I lost interest after all.

    After the presentation, dinner was served. We had pizza and salad. The pizza was burnt, so I wasn’t satisfied whatsoever. I went to my dorm and started to look over my notes and brainstorm on what I was going to write for this paper. However, we had another meeting before checking the rooms. So I took a shower, then started typing this paper immediately because I disdain staying up all night doing homework.

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