All posts by kalynhunt

About kalynhunt

A blessed upcoming journalist fulfilling my dreams.

Women Abuse

When most people think of abuse or violence, we think of it as blatantly getting your ass beat. However, abuse can happen in several different ways.

Several types of abuse can exist in a violent relationship or home based situations. Usually, it starts with emotional, mental and/ or verbal abuse and then escalates to physical abuse, sexual and even economic abuse. There is also stalking and digital abuse. The use of technology such as texting and social networking to bully, harass, stalk, or intimidate a person.

Abuse is wrong. It has to do with women lowering their standards because they feel that no other man can love them. That opens the door to controlling, manipulative, and conniving men.

The longer women puts up with the abuse and does nothing to avoid or prevent it, the less she likes herself. Along with the feeling of being a failure, both as a woman and in her marriage, may come a real feeling of being trapped and powerless, with no way out.

Is anyone in your family getting abused? How do you know? We can easily hide the scars and bruises, but we cant hide our emotions and feelings. Society teaches us about physical violence and its effect on us from an early age. Of course, we all remember the bully on the playground who beats up an innocent child, but this is totally different.

Glamour Magazine says that  29% of women surveyed said they’d been in an abusive relationship.

  • 62% of those women have been hit, shoved, or slapped.
  • 33% choked or strangled.
  • 11% who say their partner is currently abusive predict he “will seriously hurt or kill me.”

‘A woman’s self-confidence is dented. She feels embarrassed, so doesn’t reach out to friends; or perhaps her abusive partner has undermined their relationship with their support network, so there’s no one to say: “This isn’t normal.” ’

Women are strong individuals. They can hold their on and provide for themselves. Throughout history, women has played the roll to take care of the children, cook, and clean. Their is no reason why men should lay their hands or even verbally abusive women.

Abusing someone can change a person drastically. Giving them low self-esteem, not wanting to go places, and just being depressed. That’s no way to have a person feeling.

Many women think, or believe, that if they are not being physically harmed by their partner, husband or boyfriend then they are not being abused. This is far from true.

If you are in a relationship which is draining something from you… you might not have recognized that your partner is scouring your self-esteem and happiness through verbal, mental, emotional and other forms of abuse.

What if your mom was getting abused? What if your best friend was getting beaten by her boyfriend? What would you do? TELL SOMEONE to get help! They might tell you “Oh no he wont do it again” Ignore them. I don’t believe in staying in a abusive relationship, that’s ludicrous. Don’t take pity for anyone who chose to stay.

Several women love their husbands and lives with the hope that he might change, if only she can “hang in there.” However, in most cases, the abuse continues, for in fact her husband’s behavior has nothing to do with her actions.

A woman needs to talk to people who can help. Friends can lend support and guidance. Organizations devoted to women’s concerns and not bound by society’s traditions can assist her.

Above all, a woman has to determine her own best decision. With the help of counseling for the husband as well as herself or just leaving him alone, a woman is able to bring an end to the problem.

More information about why women goes back to their abuser.

For more statistics click here

[View the story “Women Abuse” on Storify]

MIPA Camp 2013

Kalyn Hunt

July 28, 2013

First Day of MIPA Camp

       Boy Oh boy….. My first day at camp was not my cup of tea. I had to drive here, while my parents were snoozing. Carrying luggage when I arrived! Oh Gosh! I was upset about it. Then, when I got closer to campus, I got lost. I was really frustrated when I got here. We finally found the Hall and registration. They gave me the key to my dorm and it felt like a heat wave as I open the dorm. That didn’t make my day any better.

However, as the day went by, we had a session/ meeting next door to my dorm, that I was late for, but it was interesting. The staff was going over rules and regulations. I love how they’re so protective over all the students.

We also had a presentation about the design diva. The slideshows were hard to judge because they both caught my eye. However, watching the presentation I’ve learned that if switching basic layouts (black and white print) then use unique fonts. Also, when the design talks about increasing things, you should over exaggerate to grab the reader’s attention. They’ll most definitely keep reading it.

Most journalists are scared of white space, but sometimes space is good. It can be good for the subject it’s talking about; also it may need white space. Pictures are one of  the main things about a design. You can almost tell what the story is about by just looking at the picture. Having expressions and real topics will even help you with a design.

  Having trouble with choosing pictures, just ask a helping hand. If you’re struggling with topics, try to wonder off about something else and eventually a good idea will appear. Thinking too hard will cause your brain not to solve the problem.

  Unfortunately, the design diva presentation started to bore me. Don’t get me wrong, the information and content was useful, but I don’t think it should’ve been an hour and 15 minutes long. Basically, I lost interest after all.

    After the presentation, dinner was served. We had pizza and salad. The pizza was burnt, so I wasn’t satisfied whatsoever. I went to my dorm and started to look over my notes and brainstorm on what I was going to write for this paper. However, we had another meeting before checking the rooms. So I took a shower, then started typing this paper immediately because I disdain staying up all night doing homework.